Helps with skin brightening, smooth muscle relaxer, mild headaches, energy, mild pigmentation issues, collagen, mood, rosacea, acne, general systemic inflammation, aging, hair, nails, skin, and much more.
Cocktail Ingredients: (1000 ml Saline) Vitamin C, Magnesium, B12, B-Complex, Lysine, Proline, Selenium, Glutamine, Zinc, L-Carnitine, Alpha Lipoic Acid, MSM, Biotin and a Glutathione Push.
Helps hormonal imbalances, sleep regulation and increases relaxation all while hydrating the body.
Cocktail Ingredients: (1000 ml Saline) Vitamin C, B5, B6, B12, B-Complex, Magnesium, Calcium, Arginine
Helps fuel your drive while improving focus, keeping you alert and balancing stimulation. Designed to improve cognitive clarity while supporting overall brain health.
Cocktail Ingredients: (500 ml Saline) Vitamin C, B5, B12, B-Complex, Magnesium, Calcium, Choline, Glutathione, NAC, Taurine, Zinc
Promotes healthy liver function while helping minimize extra waste and toxins. Replenishes your liver while balancing vital nutrients needed for overall energy and health.
Cocktail Ingredients: (500 ml Saline) Glutathione, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Acetyl-Cysteine, Taurine, Selenium
Increases relaxation, protects against free radicals, aids the immune system and much more.
Cocktail Ingredients: (500 ml Saline) Vitamin C, B5, B12, B-Complex, Magnesium, Glutathione, Zinc
Designed for those with active 24/7 lifestyles. Helps mental energy and cognitive alertness while keeping you hydrated to help with peak physical performance.
Cocktail Ingredients: (1000 ml Saline) Vitamin C, B5, B12, B-Complex, Magnesium, Glutamine, Taurine, Acetylcysteine.
Great for joint relief, enhanced recovery, and cellular energy. Aids in wound healing, collagen production and inflammation relief.
Cocktail Ingredients: (1000 ml Saline) Vitamin C, B6, B7, B12, Carnitine, Lysine, Magnesium, Proline, Taurine, Biotin, Glutathione, MSM 15%
Reduce hunger cravings and general exhaustion while promoting weight loss. Helps the body balance free radicals and antioxidants all while minimizing toxins.
Cocktail Ingredients: (500 ml Saline) Vitamin C, B5, B12, B-Complex, Magnesium, Carnitine, Glutamine, Selenium, ZInc
The Original Cocktail! Hectic 24/7 lifestyle, this is for the person on the go. Aids in stress relief, muscle aches, fatigue, difficulty in concentrating, assists in balance of digestion issues and aids the immune system.
Cocktail Ingredients: (100 ml Saline) Vitamin C, B12, B-Complex, Magnesium
Immune system relief, increases strength and builds protein. Aids in growth, development, absorption and healthy bones. Cramping bloating and hydration relief. Revitalizes hair, skin, nails, and much more.
Cocktail Ingredients: (500 ml Saline) Vitamin C, B5, B12, B-Complex, Magnesium, Manganese, Copper, Selenium, Zinc
Created for those working or playing long hours. Perfect for those recovering form exercise, exhaustion, dehydration from a long night out, jet-lag or a big test or competition.
Cocktail Ingredients: (1000 ml Saline) Vitamin C, B12, B-Complex, Magnesium
(Mood Support) Ideal for when you are under stress, anxious, or exhausted. Rest, relax and restore your body and mind while improving your mood and much more.
Cocktail Ingredients: (500 ml Saline) Vitamin C, B5, B12, B-Complex, Magnesium, Calcium, Chromium, Glutamine, Selenium, Zinc
Protects against free radicals, increases relaxation, aids the immune system and promotes toxin relief.
Cocktail Ingredients: (100 ml Saline) Glutathione, Vitamin C
Great for those who indulge in extreme sports and competitive sports such as running, cycling, swimming, soccer, football, hockey, motorsports, surfing, skydiving, snowboarding, climbing, tennis, boxing, MMA, and even flying.
Cocktail Ingredients: (500 ml Saline) Vitamin C, B5, B12, B-Complex, Magnesium, Calcium, Glutamine, Zinc, Arginine
For athletes, high performances and every day "on the go" people. Exercise fatigue, general exhaustion, hangovers, skin complexion, jet lag and more.
Cocktail Ingredients: (1000 ml Saline) B-Complex
Hydrate and enhance your skin all season long. Explore lighter, brighter skin while boosting tripeptide levels. It is one of the most powerful antioxidants produced by the liver to protect the body against free radicals and heavy metals.
Cocktail Ingredients: (1000 ml Saline), Glutathione
Regenerate the body while revitalizing the skin. Breathe new life into your cells and reclaim what you have been missing.
Cocktail Ingredients: (500 ml Saline) Vitamin C, B5, B12, B-Complex, Magnesium, Calcium, Glutathione, Lysine, Proline, Selenium
Immune compromised individuals with exposure to or associated with dysregulated host immune responses following viral infections.
Cocktail Ingredients (1000 ml Saline), Vitamin C, NAC, Zinc, B-Complex, B12, Glutathione followed by a Vitamin D injection.
Helps relieve minor aches and pains associated with exercise inflammation, strenuous activity and overall exhaustion of the body.
Cocktail Ingredients: (500 ml) Vitamin C, B5, B12, B-Complex, Magnesium, Calcium, Glucosamine, Glutamine, Lysine, Manganese, Chromium, Proline, MSM, Taurine, Selenium
iFusion's custom blend to help maximize hydration, recovery, rejuvenation, performance, mental clarity and overall energy.
Coctail Ingredients: (1000 ml), Vitamin C, Magnesium, B12, B-Complex, Arginine, Glutamine, Zinc, Lysine, Proline, Selenium, Acetylcyestine, Taurine and a Glutathione Push.
*The statements made and printed on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and iFusion products and equipment are not represented to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or medical problem. Copyright © 2023 iFusion - All Rights Reserved.
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